Please find the updated, temporary guidance from the Governor's Office regarding Open Public Meetings and Public Records Requests during this COVID-19 Crisis. Columbia County Public Hospital District #1 is a Municipality and subject to Open Public Meetings and Public Records Requests. We will be following this guidance while it is in effect.
total vaccines received: 3976
total vaccines administered: 2660
total 1st doses: 736
total fully vaccinated: 2159
Now that
Now that there are authorized and recommended vaccines to prevent COVID-19 in the United States, the CDC has published 8 things you need to know about the new COVID-19 Vaccination Program and COVID-19 vaccines.

For additional information and resources click the link below-
Pfizer has received vaccine approval, and they have created an informational landing page for information.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Moderna has published a vaccine information portal with important information about their COVID-19 Vaccine.
Moderna COVID-19 Resources
For additional information and resources click the link below-
Pfizer has received vaccine approval, and they have created an informational landing page for information.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Moderna has published a vaccine information portal with important information about their COVID-19 Vaccine.
Moderna COVID-19 Resources
Our providers, clinics, and staff
Our providers, clinics, and staff are ready to assist you with screening for COVID-19 and other related respiratory illnesses: Columbia Family Clinic (509) 382-3200 or the Waitsburg Clinic (509) 337-6311. We will ask a series of questions so we may make arrangements for your arrival. Please wear a mask if you have one. Please only use the Emergency Department if you are having trouble breathing or have severe symptoms. For urgent medical needs, please call 911 and describe your symptoms clearly. We do perform COVID-19 testing through our reference laboratory, although your healthcare provider will need to write an order, and our staff will collect the sample. You will be provided detailed instructions for sample collection. If you have insurance coverage, there will likely be no direct cost to you, and you can enroll with Washington State Medicaid at any time. If you do not have coverage, we will work with you to make sure you are tested after receiving a provider order, regardless of ability to pay. Our Cash price for the test is $250.00, but it can be reduced to zero through our financial assistance program.