Columbia County Health System is a Participant in the National Rural Accountable Care Organization

Columbia County Health System announces its National Rural Accountable Care Organization Participation at a public launch meeting held at the Best Western Hotel on March 2nd, 2016.

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs): Providing Better, Coordinated Care for You.  Columbia County Health System is participating in the National Rural Accountable Care Organization, National Rural ACO 16, LLC, a Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO. An ACO is a group of doctors, hospitals, and/or other health care providers working together with Medicare to give you better, more coordinated service and health care. Think of an ACO as a team made up of your doctors and other health care providers. We are working together to share important information and resources about your individual needs and preferences. Doctors and hospitals in an ACO communicate with you and with each other to make sure that you get the care you need when you’re sick, and the support you need to stay healthy.

As the Nation moves away from pay for service to payment based on value and quality, Columbia County Health System will remain positioned to serve our communities. We are proud to be participating with other early adopters of this Medicare program.

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Columbia County Health System